Wednesday, February 22, 2023


The self loathing is seeping from my pores
Insidious in its intent to destroy me from within
A lithe creature winding its way around my throat
Choking out my sense of self worth


As surely as a python suffocates its prey

Saturday, February 4, 2023

writing prompt 2/4/23

What is your ideal weekend, and why?

Waking up beside someone I love
Cooking breakfast for the family with someone I love
Listening to Caleb play the piano while I/we read
If it’s a sunny day, an outing to the beach or desert
If it’s a dreary day, games and puzzles, maybe a podcast or two
Reading out in the sun with people I love
Sit-down dinner with my loved ones
A walk in the fog in the evening after dinner

Because any time spent with loved ones is ideal to me
Because I wouldn’t be alone.
Because I enjoy both sunshine and dreary days alike.
Because listening to Caleb play piano is my happy place.
Because it’s important to get out of the house.
Because family dinners are important to me.
Because walking in the fog makes me happy.
Because Saturday mornings are for family breakfasts
And dreary days are made for puzzles and games.
Because life alone gets depressing,
And I want to spend time with people I care about.
Because nobody should have to spend life alone
When they have so much love to give.

Checking in After Too Long

 Good Afternoon, I don’t know why I haven’t posted in so long. Perhaps because of laziness; perhaps because of pain and an inability to thin...