Monday, January 16, 2023

Brain Dump 1/15/2023 Trigger Warning self harm

Alone with my mind again today.  I wish I could get out of this depressive episode already.  I just feel so lost.





Brain dump

Let’s see what nightmares lay hidden today

Wanna cut

Wanna bruise

But I can’t

I could

But I won’t

He’s not worth it

Don’t let me go

Who am I even talking to?


Don’t let me go

I need to be held

I need to be held together.

My pieces all feel like they’re going to fly apart

Scattering to the wind

Never to be found again

Why is this so hard?

Why am I taking this so hard?

This is stupid


Half-asleep nights and barely-there days,

The depression seems to swallow me whole.

Angry music

Sad music

Happy music

None of it changes anything

When the numbness takes over my spirit.

None of it has a chance.

The music is at least a distraction,

As is the writing.

The writing gets out all this gunk

Filling my stupid broken damaged mind.

Something in me broke that day.

Something inside me cracked.

I’m afraid it’s going to shatter all the way

If I allow my heart to feel what my mind knows.

So I follow a routine now.

Get up,

Make coffee,

Sit at the computer and write,





Avoid the pain.

Sit with the darkness in my mind,

Don’t let it touch my soul.

Look at it,

But don’t touch it.

Hush honey,

It’s not that bad.

It’s just a broken heart


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