Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Some of My Recent Work

I worked on this one over the course of the day. You can see my mood shifts through the brush strokes.This one was worked on over several weeks. I remember being pretty depersonalized and dissociated through the painting of this one. It's a favorite for me. This piece illustrates what mental illness feels like, especially when having a dissociative disorder. It's like there's all this brightness that is life, happiness, excitement, all waiting for you to grasp it with both hands. What people don't realize is that it feels like there's this barrier between you and experiencing all there is to experience. There's a dark fog between you and everything. Every interaction is muted, every conversation being had by people not you even as your mouth is moving, every movement slow and stiff as if being poorly rehearsed. And then there's you, standing out like a sore thumb in how different you are. You are self conscious and hyper aware of every way in which you fall short.
This is mental illness for me. Feel free to share your own experience in the comments section.
This last piece was actually a cover-up of a piece I really disliked. As I was painting, I recall thinking it was a little like a lizard eye looking out over a desert. What do you see?

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