Monday, August 3, 2020

Little Girl Bad

Little girl bad
Don't eat so much
You're not really hungry, just thirsty

Thirsty for attention
Thirsty for knowledge
Thirsty for affection
For acknowledgement of my good

But no
Little girl bad
You're not doing your best, try harder

Try to be prettier
Try to be quieter
Try to be perfect
Because if it's not perfect it's wrong

Little girl bad
But little girl tries
And little girl fails
And little girl just wants to be loved

And little girl bad
Grows up to be
Insecure and willing to do anything for acceptance

Anything for joy
Anything for approval
Anything for love
A shadow of her vibrant former self

And little girl bad
Crawls through this mess
And little girl bad
Grows up more

And little girl bad
a bad bitch
who doesn't need your approval
to love herself.

Ⓒ J.M. Hofschneider

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