Sunday, July 12, 2020


Welcome to my art blog! My photos of my work don't always catch all the colors or angles properly (I don't have a proper camera, just my phone), but I'm putting myself out there anyway.

My name is Jenny. I use art as therapy to face my history of PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), major depressive disorder, and general anxiety. All of my work is original. 98% of my work is related to mental health. That is why I decided to have my first posting be my "Brain Worms" painting.

Please be kind in feedback. Remember that we each have our own journey to wellness. No two roads will look the same. If you are also an artist, remember to be kind to *yourself* as well! It's not always about technique, but about processing the events in one's life. 

Whether you are facing grief, trauma, loss, joy, excitement, anger, depression, or anything else on the emotional spectrum, art is a great way to awaken your soul.

Everything here is available for sale as well! I do mark pieces that have sold as "SOLD". If you are interested in purchasing a specific item, please contact me at:

Thank you for visiting Soul Awakening Art! Wishing you all healing and blessings,

Jenny Hofschneider

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