Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rising to Challenges

I had surgery on my right wrist and elbow for carpal and cubital tunnel about 2 months ago.  I was all wrapped up and couldn't use my right hand for much of anything.  I could barely pull up my own pants without intense pain. 

So I did all my artwork with my left hand for a few weeks.  As frustrating as it was, I came up with some decent paintings.  My sketches... Not so much.

But this post is about rising to life's challenges.  What do we do when a challenge comes our way?  Do we automatically throw our hands up and quit before even trying?  Or do we keep making the effort and try until we know we've done our best?

I used to be a quitter.  If things weren't going my way, if life was too hard, if a relationship wasn't the way I hoped it would be, I would simply quit.  If I didn't know I could get something right, I wouldn't even try.  My fear of failing these challenges led me to fail by default.

Not anymore.  Now I strive to rise to the challenges thrown my way.  Is it easy?  Not at all.  But nothing in life worth having is going to be easy.

Healing and Perseverence,

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