Sunday, July 12, 2020

let It Go

This was a relatively simple piece to do. I started with watercolors and did my balloon, then thought of all the things I need to stop allowing to control my life. Things like anger. Things like bitterness, heartache, a need for perfection. Things like pain, hostility, shame. 

The inspiration for this watercolor came from a session with my trauma therapist. We were talking about uncomfortable emotions and how sometimes we just need to let them be. Let them be what they are. But don't ruminate on them and allow them to take control of how you live.

Don't let fear keep you from leaving your home.
Don't let anger keep you from trusting again.
Don't let pain keep you isolated.
Don't let a need for perfection keep you from trying something new. 
Don't let shame keep you from being yourself, and being proud of your growth.

Learn to let things go. I promise, even though it seems hokey, it works wonders. Letting go of my need for perfection has allowed me to become artistic. Letting go of value judgement (this is bad, that is good) has allowed me to grow in my uniqueness. Letting go of shame has allowed me to see greatness within myself.

Most importantly, letting go of others' opinions when they have no bearing on my life has allowed me to become my own person instead of catering to everyone around me. I'm learning not to beat myself up so savagely anymore.

Healing and Forward Momentum,
Jenny Hofschneider

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