Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Finding Inner Peace

"Finding Peace" 14x16 acrylic on canvas board
$95 inflamed
$115 frames
Today I would like to address the issue of finding inner peace in a world that is pure chaos.  This is not an easy thing to do.  I struggle with it every single day, but it's worth it.

When I painted this, I was searching desperately for even a glimmer of hope and peace in my life.  I decided to paint what I was needing instead of simply what I was feeling.  This was another one of those pieces that I worked on over the course of several weeks to get it to where it felt complete. It started as a woman centered in chaos, in a position commonly associated with meditation.  Around her were bright swirls and splotches and darkness.  It was an okay painting for me, but did not evoke what I was going for.

So I took it home and continued to work.  As I added colors and details, the figure in the center somehow took on an appearance of pure peace.  No more abject terror.  Not bothered by the chaos anymore.  In fact, her calm radiates out into the chaos!

I'm going to digress from art for a moment here.  I once dated someone who would ground me by having me place my hand on his heart while he placed his hand on mine.  This would bring me back to the present during a flashback, get me breathing steadily when I was nearing an asthma attack, and generally soothe my spirit.

The reason I bring up this experience is because this painting is almost a reflection of that.  The peace within us can spread out to touch those near to us.  We can help calm the chaos not only for ourselves, but for those around us. 

Take a few deep breaths.  As you inhale, count to four and imagine drawing a line going up.  Hold that breath for four counts and imagine drawing a line perpendicular to your first one, forming a right angle.  As you exhale, count to four and draw a line down, then close your box as you hold for four counts before inhaling again.  I call this "breathing the box", and it's a technique I learned from a dear friend years ago.  It has been effective in grounding myself, and I have found it effective in helping others ground themselves as well.  So now I pass it on to you, my friends.

Practice calming breathing even when you're not overly stressed.  If you make it a daily practice, it won't be so hard to remember when you truly need it.  Whether you are about to fly, going to the grocery store, seeing someone you haven't seen in years, experiencing something for the first time -- breathe that box.  Stay in the moment.  You have the ability to calm the chaotic world and its effects on your psyche.  You do.  It is within us all.

Healing and Peace,

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