Monday, September 2, 2024

Checking in After Too Long

 Good Afternoon,

I don’t know why I haven’t posted in so long. Perhaps because of laziness; perhaps because of pain and an inability to think straight. Perhaps it’s simply because life has been overwhelming, simply to stay above ground.

I have started learning a new type of art, called Neurographica. I think it is becoming a favorite form of therapy for me. Even though I haven’t done a neurographic art piece to completion, I do find it helpful. I find it soothing. There is a process I follow, and it works for me. Two minutes to journal. Then, take time to read it over again, circling words or phrases within that journal entry that pop out to me, the writer. Once those are circled, I count them. That number is how many lines I start my piece with. We have, in therapy group, done the initial lines with our eyes closed, or “following” a bottle top/medication bottle lid/anything round around the page, allowing ourselves a little less control over our movement. I will share some of my favorites, which I am turning into coloring books (per suggestion in an art chat). 

I don’t know how much it’s helping in the long run. But it does seem to help me keep calm in my chronic pain state. It has truly gotten bad, y’all. The chronic pain is, at this point, all encompassing. No answers. A lot of tests that come back positive, but nobody can tell me what that means or what the next step is. So I do what little art I can. I had inspiration for a new piece yesterday, but I don’t have everything I need to be able to do it to completion, so I simply didn’t start. Hopefully soon!

Peace and Love,

Jenny ❤️

P.S. Apparently, this app has changed, and you now need to pay in order to share pictures. How aggravating. I can’t do a dang thing without having to pay now. This will likely be my last post, because most of my posts mean nothing without sharing my art. That was the whole point of starting this blog.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


The self loathing is seeping from my pores
Insidious in its intent to destroy me from within
A lithe creature winding its way around my throat
Choking out my sense of self worth


As surely as a python suffocates its prey

Saturday, February 4, 2023

writing prompt 2/4/23

What is your ideal weekend, and why?

Waking up beside someone I love
Cooking breakfast for the family with someone I love
Listening to Caleb play the piano while I/we read
If it’s a sunny day, an outing to the beach or desert
If it’s a dreary day, games and puzzles, maybe a podcast or two
Reading out in the sun with people I love
Sit-down dinner with my loved ones
A walk in the fog in the evening after dinner

Because any time spent with loved ones is ideal to me
Because I wouldn’t be alone.
Because I enjoy both sunshine and dreary days alike.
Because listening to Caleb play piano is my happy place.
Because it’s important to get out of the house.
Because family dinners are important to me.
Because walking in the fog makes me happy.
Because Saturday mornings are for family breakfasts
And dreary days are made for puzzles and games.
Because life alone gets depressing,
And I want to spend time with people I care about.
Because nobody should have to spend life alone
When they have so much love to give.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Journal 1/25/23 a poem for my daughter

The life that never got to live.
She would have been beautiful.
A child with a wild spirit,
Bright and inquisitive,
With bouncing curls like her big brother
And shining blue eyes like her parents,
I picture her climbing trees,
Chasing after Caleb down the bike trails.
What would her favorite color have been?
Her favorite foods?
Would she like to read?
Would she be into art?  Music?  Science?  Math?
What would my little girl have been like?
Who would she have been?
I’ve seen her in my dreams,
But is that who she would have really been?
Am I delusional to think I’ve seen her?
To think I’ve spoken to her?
Only in dreams,
But they felt like an alternate reality,
One where she survived.
One where she’s getting to grow up.
One where she’s going to be seven in July.
One where she isn’t dead.
One where I stayed away from Samy
Long enough for her to be born.
One where I didn’t fuck everything up.
One where her own father didn’t kill her.
The life that never got to live.
Never got to live.
My baby girl.
My Ella Mae.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

word association exercise turned poetry

Twin flames
Meant to be
Loves me not
Not worth it
It hurts
Same old story
Same old story
No, not sad
No showers
Too hard
You’re weak
No, tired of being strong
Tired of struggle
Tired of tired
Tired of being forgotten
Tired of left on read
Tired of humanity’s worst
Tired of all this bullshit
So very tired
Hell on earth
Empty arms where a child should be.

Brain Dump 1/18/23

What part lands on my shoulders?
Staying with him
Which him?
Either one of them.
They both hurt me.
One started 9 years ago.
One 9 months ago.
How could I have been so stupid
Falling for the grooming
The love-bombing
The sweet talk
The attention from an attractive man
Making me feel 
Cared for
But it was all fake
All a lie to get me…
In his back pocket?
I wasn’t first choice
For this pathetic man.
I was just a plaything.
Just flesh to mark.
How do I reconcile this
With how I felt about him?
I honestly can’t.
I have to go through this.
I have to feel what I feel.
I’m stuck in this hurricane
And there’s no way out but through.
Through the darkness.
Through the storms of my emotions.
Through the fear.
Through the agony.
Through every emotion 
That threatens to overwhelm me.

I’m really trying to just get through this
Without self harming
Without cutting 
Without burning
Without random sexual encounters.
I’m working on writing,
Talking on the phone,
Doing productive things
Instead of harmful.
I think it’s working?
I don’t really know.
I’m faking it to the best of my ability.
Nobody would know if I didn’t tell them.
So I guess that means it’s working…
… At least as far as everyone else is concerned.

Monday, January 16, 2023


inside the storm

Lately I feel as though I'm huddling in the center of a storm of emotion. If I reach out and touch the hurricane, I will be obliterated. There will be nothing left of me but emotion. I won't be me anymore. I will be rage. I will be grief. I will be bewilderment. I will be agony. I will be emptiness. I will be all these things and more, and I will lose myself to the  insanity.

I don't think the painting is done yet.

Happy New Year (yeah, right)

I loved him. I love him still. But his lies coil inside me like an oily slick snake, making me sick. They say we're only as sick as our secrets, but what about the secrets of others? How do those affect us when they finally come out? My psyche feels fractured, my soul is scooped out. I can't think. I can barely exist. I let my dog out. I let my dog in. Reading his words from someone else's screen, the images burned into my retinas, but still I look back at the pictures. This man who told me he loved me repeatedly told someone else he didn't. Truth? Lies? Which is which? Who did he love? Neither? My god, my chest feels like it's caving in, and I can hardly breathe when I let myself linger in this emotion. Grief? I have always hidden from grief. She is too much to bear. I would rather feel anger, physical pain, or, best of all, nothing.

The urge to self harm comes quietly. It's sneaky. Kind of like betrayal. A problem to be solved. Kind of like me, if you believe what he wrote to her. Just a situation to be dealt with, nothing more.

I turn the feelings off.

Happy New Year to me.


Checking in After Too Long

 Good Afternoon, I don’t know why I haven’t posted in so long. Perhaps because of laziness; perhaps because of pain and an inability to thin...